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Her Unexpected Husband- 16

“Lav calm down.” Rihanna made her sit on the chair and handed her a water bottle. Lavanya pushed her hand away and about to get up but Rihanna forcefully thrusts the water bottle. Giving a deathly glare, Lavanya gulped down the whole content and marched towards HR cabin before Rihanna could stop her. She helplessly watched her maniac walk and prayed to almighty to keep everyone safe from the storm named Lavanya.

As if God heard her prayers, she saw Lavanya stroding out from the HR cabin at the same speed as she went in. Worriedly she met her half way and dragged her struggling form to cafeteria. Lest, Lavanya burst out in the centre of office itself.

“Riha. Stop it.”

Rihanna didn't give ear to her pleads and halted only when they reached cafeteria.

“That stupid HR doesn't grant me a leave. I need to go out from here.” Lavanya said with gritted teeth slamming the table.

“Lav. Please.”

“Just stop it.” Lavanya shouted and glared the person in front of her who joined them with a frown. Rihanna followed her vision and gave a helpless look to the person who looks questioningly at the two.


“What is this?” Khushi questioned with a cute frown etched on her forehead. Her eyes raised to meet his in question.

Arnav lips formed a thin line in annoyance. He expected her to open the box right away without examining and throwing questions at him. And it would be a lie if he isn’t awaiting to see her doe eyes dilate in surprise, her brows tweak in anticipation and her face shine in sheer enthusiasm while unboxing his gift. But when his expectation fails as khushi worn a passive frown on her face, he couldn’t control his sarcasm and the word flown without grip “Brick.”

Her eyes enlarged only for a moment before adopting a mischievous glint which he failed to notice.

“Oh, Lucky brick! None would’ve packed it like this and given a special treatment.” She feigned a heavy sigh and pretended to throw aside.

Arnav heart skipped a beat and an instant shriek left his mouth. In no time khushi giggled seeing his shell shocked expression. It took an ample amount of time for him to believe her trick. And he’s confounded to see her level of comfort with him. Isn’t it a sign of better foundation in relationship? A relationship will survive only if the person involved express all their feelings without suppressing particular feeling to show themselves in bright light.

“Khushi!” He whined seeing her nonstop giggles. Not wanting to rile him up further she quickly pouted her lips and sends him a flying kiss and  unboxed the gift he gave. A cocky smirk appeared on his face as he is bestowed with what he had expected earlier. The earlier hesitance almost faded between them. She didn't realise that she came all the way from shy type to sending flying kiss to him in a very short span but he noticed it and he's content about it.

Khushi vivaciously opened the box and her eyes stuck on the content inside it.

“Arnavji… This?” She looked up at him and then at the box.

“I saw you using the broken basic mobile set. So I bought this new smart one yesterday, but only got time to give you now. You need this upgrade khushi.” He replied keenly capturing her expressions.

She took it out from the box and held a surprised look “Arnavji this is bigger than my palm.” She tittered examining the front and back of the smartphone.

Arnav calmly enjoyed her childlike non polluted enthusiasm. He’s more than content seeing her serene face. Suddenly he felt light hearted as Khushi hugged him with all her might as if trying to transfuse her happiness to him. Does he need anything other than this? Making his loved one happy itself gave him lifetime happiness.

“Someone is happy today.” He whispered completing the hug.

“Hmm. Never once in my life I enjoyed a day like today. But…” She came out of the hug and looked apprehensive thinking something “It would had costs much. Why did you buy this ji? There's no need for this.”

“Come on. Don't be a spoilt sport khushi. It's not that I spent my whole wealth on this single piece.” He explained caressing her arms in a convincing way. But next moment he realised that his convincing seems futile as Khushi looked him reluctantly.

Sighing he dragged her to the nearby sofa and settled himself beside her.

“Look Khushi, you don't need to think everything from monetary perspective. We've enough money to spend on little things and to lead a peaceful life.”

Khushi nodded somewhat convinced with his explanation. Though her face still carried an unclear expression. Sensing her reluctance, he further explained his monetary details so that she could act upon within their boundary. Additionally he felt the need for her to know their financial status which could help her in many ways and to some extent it would create great rapport between the couple. He vaguely remember his parents sharing everything between them not just love, care and affection. They used to say, To maintain a relationship love, care and affection is enough but to lead a successful family one needs extreme knowledge about everyone especially the mister and missus of the house needs to travel in same path and keeps everything in fingertips. He strongly believes their principles and wants the same on his life.

“Oh my goodness, someone is in lecturer mood today.” She snapped her fingers feigning a yawn.

“Khushi.” He confounded in shock. Her playful mood is so new to him and unsurprisingly he liked her playful nature than the shy one.

“Haan haan. My name is Khushi only.” She giggled enjoying his expressions. She wondered why suddenly she has grown the urge to tease him. She never did anything like this with anyone but with him, she wants to do all possible things which she'd never done in her life. She feel light hearted with him. She feels secure under his eyes. Sometimes she feel like floating in air like the helium balloon. Not to say the embarrassment she earns herself by daydreaming about him.

“And stop daydreaming at kitchen. Poor my saali. She's small and will gets easily distracted by your actions.” He added playfully but didn't failed to imply his words strongly.

Khushi frowned denying his opinion “She will not.”

“What do you mean by she'll not? She's a teenager. Obviously it's an age to get distracted easily by the surroundings. It's an age to explore whatever their parents or teachers restricted them. It's an age to love adventures. We should be careful around her Khushi. Knowingly or unknowingly we may sometimes give her bad picture which I don't want. Don't mistake me for saying this Khushi. It's not that everyone is rebellious in this age. But taking precautions is not bad either. Considering she has only us, it's upon our hands to guide her on right path.”

Khushi withdraw her hands and met his eyes in determination “I understand your concern arnavji. But I contradict here. Do you think by giving her a perfect fairy tale life she'll not be distracted or she'll not turn rebellion? No. One should know the reality of their life. Neither over protectiveness nor precautions shape up one's personality arnavji. Only reality makes a person mature. Just now you shared your monetary details so that I will be aware of our family issues and will handle everything according to that. The same way she also should know our ups and downs arnavji. Only then she'll not be heartbroken when expectations fails. And only then it's called a FAMILY. Life always passes through thick and thin and we should be prepared for both. It applies to her too.” She finished with confidence surprising him by her level of understanding and maturity.

“Ohho... Now who took the lecturer job here?” He whistles breaking the serious atmosphere.

She slapped his arm playfully and stood up to run inside. But what she didn't realise is that, the slap became sharp than intended and Arnav stood up abruptly pulling her arms.

“You’ve grown naughty Biwi.” He murmured naughtily pulling her to his chest.

She giggled drawing her arm out from his hold “Whose wife she is!”

He chortled with a blush on his cheeks enjoying her naughty form and ran behind her to corner her.

Her gleeful hearty laugh echoed inside the walls like a soothing music. She run around the sofa, giggling to loads seeing sweat beads ready to roll down on his forehead.

“You can't catch me arnavji.” She jumped aside and sniggered as Arnav missed her by just a millimetre away.

“Don't… underestimate… me Biwi.” He stuttered catching his breath.

Has Khushi felt pity on him? or It's just unintentional that Khushi ran straight into their room and Arnav followed her in a cue falling straight on the bed taking her in his arms in between the process.

“Caught you Biwi.” He smirked raising his collar.

Khushi catches her breath and garlands his neck with her arms, pulling his body closer to her awaiting frame. Her fingers roamed freely on his nape tantalizing his desires. His eyes turned dark in reflex and his breathing got heavy. His hot breath on her lips tormented her to the core and her eyes closed automatically in response and lips parted inviting him to carry on. Does he need words? He bent down and closed the distance between them in a fraction of second. Her toes curled at the intensity and her fingers gripped his hairs almost imprisoning him in her arms.

The moment would've lasts longer if not for a loud shriek of ringtone. Arnav stopped his ministration immediately but Khushi didn't let him stop in middle. She gripped his hairs lost in the moment of passion he had created. Her heart and mind disputes by contrast thoughts. Her heart wants the moment to continue further whereas her mind forced her to think rationally. Sensing her conflict he quickly gave a peck and unwound her arms from his neck.

By then the ring has stopped and Khushi still lost in his love. She placed her head comfortably on his chest as he laid on his back. Her fingers ran randomly on his shirt, sometimes drawing unknown patterns, sometimes simply playing with his shirt buttons.



“I…” His words halted in middle as his phone rang again.

Khushi stubbornly held his shirt in her fist as her playful mood reverted.

He lifted his head and looked down at the child women in his arms “Khushi. I need to take the call.”

“Permission granted.” She replied hiding her smirk.

He chuckled and pinched her waist shouting “Biiiwiii.”

“Ouch.” She sat up at the unexpected pinch and Arnav used that opportunity to escape from there taking his mobile.


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