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Her Unexpected Husband- 18

“I’ve stronger memory Khushi.” He breathed on her neck standing behind her on the kitchen.


“So… I remember how you distracted me from the main topic.”

Frown etched on her face, not getting the so called distraction from the main topic as he claimed. But soon shyness replaced the frown as she remembered how shamelessly she demanded him to took forward their relationship. Even though her statement was purely a tongue slip, she doesn't regret about that. She has a separate set of ideas about their life which she hasn't shared with him yet.

“You pictured me as an old man.” He scoffed sensing her lost in thoughts.

She came out of her thoughts and mentally smacked herself for thinking on the same track. Quickly composing herself, she turned around and squinted her eyelashes innocently “That's true. You're oldy only.”

“KHUSHI.” He cried throwing angry stares at her.

“Haan… Haan… I am Khushi only. And please inform me before giving any type of stares. I'm getting confused na. And now tell me why are you narrowing your small eyes?” She asked with a deadpan expression, inwardly enjoying her new game of railing him up. She bit her inner cheeks seeing his perplexed form while dipping her hand to make the dough for evening samosa.

“Excuse me? Me… small eyes? I am glaring at you Khushi.”

“Uffo… Best luck next time. See I’m not even getting a chortle arnavji.” She whipped her head to left as her stubborn lips are stretching irrevocably.

“KHUSHI… I'LL KILL YOU.” He cried again earning her uncontrollable giggles.

“You cannot even get angry with me. Killing me is a far away thing arnavji.” She said in between her giggles.

Her vivacious laugh filled his heart with something which he never experienced before. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly make him feel content when she laughs every time. This time also he feels no less. If anyone asks him what's the end of a life, he can immediately mention this moment. Though a sort of pain clenching his heart at the corner, not wanting it to be the end of the life when a big piece of his life is still away from him.

‘I'll sort everything arnavji. The day is not far when we'll be living with your parents. I promise you, soon you'll be seen complaining about our monotonous life of not having any problems.’ She voicelessly vowed herself catching the pain on his eyes. She no longer gets astounded by her ability of reading him.

‘You're absolutely right Khushi. I can never be angry with you.’ He recited inwardly not knowing our emotions are pawn of the situations that one cannot hold the power of future. Neither we can predict what future beholds for us nor we can act according to our plan when destiny written contrary of what we've planned.


Aakash smiled brightly at Rihanna whose gaze has been fixed on the girl next to her.

“Hey what's up?” He chirped taking a place beside Rihanna who in turn glared him bestowing him with her current mood.

“Are we visible to you? I am surprised.” She countered sarcastically.

“Hey It’s not like that.” Aakash raised his hands in surrender.

“I can very well see that. You’ve eyes for us only when arnav is on off.”

Aakash was taken aback for a minute but he quickly composed himself “Is there any doubt? Ofcourse, I’m bored without him.”

“Such a rude reply.” She remarked averting her eyes.

Aakash shrugged carelessly and peel off his eyes from her to notice the silent person in the group “Lavanya are you alright? You’re exceptionally silent today.”

Lavanya snapped him in frustration “What you expect me to do? Sing and dance to celebrate my failure?”

And aakash was utterly shocked and taken aback for second time on that afternoon “Lav what happened? I just asked casually.”

“Don’t play innocent card aakash.” Rihanna intruded, warning him in a no nonsense tone which he couldn’t even fathom.

“Riha, seriously I am not getting.”

“Don’t lie. Haven’t you knew lavanya’s love for arnav? I am sure even arnav himself must have an idea about lav’s love interest on him.” Rihanna’s confession took away his breath for third time. He wanted to ask more details but nothing come on his brain at that moment.

Before he could probe further lavanya strode away angrily at the mention of arnav and Rihanna followed her to mellow her down.

Aakash pressed the bridge of his nose, staring at the blank screen hoping for arnav arrival.


“Abhay please try to understand me.”

“Tell me who doesn’t have problems? Ain’t I’ve? For whom am I working day and night alongside with studies? And there you’re thinking thousand times even to meet me.” Abhay accused her, noticing their surroundings fearing of getting caught for having the conversation near the school itself.

“Understand na. I am in a new house, trying to accustom with new person jiju. Give me some time, I’ll think of something.”

Abhay groaned in irritation and shoved a new mobile phone to her bag “At least attend my calls. I’ve already feed my number.”


“No if’s and but’s. I am sure hereafter you’ll be alone most of the time.”

Meera nodded and smiled at him finally as abhay patted her cheeks “Take care.”

She waved her hands till he disappear from her sight. Satisfied with the meet, she turned her wheels to walk all the way to home happily checking the new phone, singing in the process.

Throwing her shoes carelessly on the shoe rack which is placed right in front of the main door, she strode inside merrily and dropped her bag on the floor and plonked on the sofa. After exact fifth minute khushi came with hot steaming coffee and samosas.

“Here’s your coffee and evening snack.”

“Anything should I be made aware of?” Khushi broke the silence, catching the glimpse of her happy sister.

“Huh… Nothing much jiji. It’s just I am free from mid tests.” Meera conveniently lied biting the samosa.

“Oh… Shall I tell you something?” Khushi chirped excitedly after her initial disinterest.

Meera scrunched her brows confused by her sister’s sudden vivacious nature. Not that she’s complaining, in fact she’s very happy for her sister.

“Your jiju took care of your commuting. It’s so nice of him to arrange everything for you na? He’s so sweet Meera. He’s our only family now and he’s doing everything he can...”

Khushi goes on and on excitedly praising her husband making her sister to alarm on the new piece of development. Meera can easily fathom how arnav is becoming major part of their lives. Her brain already begun to calculate how his each actions regarding their family is going to affect her personally. Her heart vigorously thudded against her fabric by the mere thought of her love matter opening before Arnav. Earlier it was only khushi she has to convince. But now...? Will his existence cause rift between sister's?

Seeing Meera lost in herself Khushi shook her “Meera…”

“Huh… Jiji I’ve pending records to finish and I’ve test tomorrow. I am going to my room.” Saying this Meera hurried to her room wiping her sweat beads. Khushi though got confused by her contradict statements, she let it go as she trusts her sister more than herself. She believed if anything bothers meera, she’ll come to her no matter what!

As the time passes, Meera came out of her room wondering why her sister didn’t call her for dinner as she usually does at fixed time.

“Jiji aren't you hungry? It's already past nine.”

Khushi tore her gaze from the closed main door “Huh… Sorry Meera. Come I'll serve you.”

Meera scrunched her brows seeing her sister serving on single plate, time to time glancing the closed door “Jiji, where's yours?”

“I'll eat with your Jiju. He went to meet his friend. He'll be here soon.”


“Don’t waste your time on convincing me, it’s already late Meera.” Khushi cut short her words and eyed her to eat.

“You’ve become bossy jiji.”  Meera complained with a pout, taking a morsel.

Khushi brows raised in astonishment. She quickly self assessed and found herself exhilarating about the change. Earlier she used to live for others and the situations forced her to suppress her inner layers. But now everything ceased by the arrival of her soulmate who evoked her real self knocking down the barriers she build around her herself. This is the khushi, her mother gave birth to. Vivacious, naughty, magnanimous yet demanding one at times too.

“Jiji I am done.”

Khushi nodded her head absentmindedly, snapping out of her thoughts. Her eyes immutably fixated on the door hoping for his arrival and her head drooped on the dining table. Her eyes were almost shut, when she sat up straight abruptly not wanting to sleep without him. She decided to give him a call and ask him his whereabouts. But she decides against it as he clearly stated that he’ll be back earlier before leaving.

Meera who has been seeing all this brought a plate of dinner “Jiji Eat something.”

“I said na I’ll eat with your jiju. Don’t compel me.” Khushi answered in irritation. His absence started to take a toll on her and she’s taking it out on Meera. But Meera has other issues. She thought she can converse with Abhay without any interruption. But her sister is sitting right in front of her room.

“Jiji…” Meera hesitantly called her hoping to coax her but khushi straightaway dismissed her with a stern glare.

“Meera sleep now. You’ve school tomorrow.”

Meera could only sigh at her fate as she couldn’t even curse her lovely sister. Soundlessly she dismissed to her room and khushi continued her wait anticipating his arrival. To her badness, he hasn’t arrived but sun woke up spreading it’s waves indicating the arrival of next day proving time doesn’t stop for anyone.


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